Women Now Empowered By Everything They Do

From a contest that I just ran across today. Italics mine:

In February women will be crossing the 50% mark and becoming the majorty of the American workforce. In Asheville female influence shines brightly as women have proven to be strong leaders in the local workforce. Asheville’s women are not only artists, mothers, lovers, and business women, they are business owners, and in honor of their success Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues will be hosting a “Girls Night”, celebrating Asheville’s women in business.

Sigh. I see an innocent celebration of achievement, but I also see a writer telling me that it’s a big deal if I am a business owner because I am female. I also seem to live in magical town of superwomen, where women have special permission to be artists, mothers, lovers (lovers????) AND actually even earn a living in business.

I realize I’m letting one weird sentence of a poorly put together site bother me. But it hit a sore spot.

Not that owning your own business isn’t an achievement, no matter your genetics. Not that prejudice against women in the workplace does not exist. I just can’t help but feel that singling out female achievement in this way somehow denigrates the achievement it tries to celebrate.

From the Onion, Women now empowered by everything a woman does : “Only by lauding every single thing a woman does, no matter how ordinary, can you truly go, girls.”

4 responses to “Women Now Empowered By Everything They Do

  1. And not only are we empowered, but we get a “Girls’ Night”! Girls’ Night? GIRLS’ NIGHT?!? Tressa has blown my poor abused obstreperous lobe. How old do I have to be before I can get some respect?

    I blame the patriarchy.

  2. Hey Kate! It is SO GOOD to hear from you!

  3. This is the best thing I’ve read all morning.

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